Dom Elsner's profile

2018-20 - Terrible Art in Charity Shops [30x30cm]

Context: Posted to a FB group concerned with finding and posting terrible artwork found in charity shops. I decided to make some [fake found] work [a made readymade] and post it to the group, creating an exhibition of sorts. 

Comments from FB about the work:
'Which shop Dom?'
'I like that. It’s reminiscent of early non French modernism'
'I can't quite make out where it begins and ends'
'It seems rather elaborate for a coaster. A stained one at that.'
'I quite like it'
'This is class'
'I like it.'
'not to bad. snatch it up. like a little brother of a Max Ernst assemblage work.'
'Is it that tricky hole from a crazy golf course where you have to get your ball to hit the circle, fall into the bag, and then roll out and into the hole ?'
'I’d have that!'
'Piano repairman.'
''The geometry teacher.'
'Is his head a syrup waffle?'
'I even like the little price tag. It looks like it is supposed to be part of the picture somehow.'
'Stranegely attractive'
'That would have come home with me.'
'This looks like the back of a photo frame with a few bits of crud stuck to it. Some of it looks a bit mouldy. Hilarious.'
'Did someone put their coffee down and not use a coaster'
'That’s very interesting. 8/10, would consider buying (but probably wouldn’t buy...)'
'Looks to me like a barn, trees beside, moon overhead and field beside. Very nice.'
'I saw this episode of Star Trek.'
'I actually really like this haha'
'Mousehole in a tea chest stored in a shed with other stuff around it'
'...some old tat used as a coaster?...'
'I love this.'
'I like that. Looks like a Braque'
'I would buy the crud outta that!!'
'I would have it.'
'Beehive by night'
'Could this be an extravagant cat flap?'
'This is actually quite good.'
2018-20 - Terrible Art in Charity Shops [30x30cm]

2018-20 - Terrible Art in Charity Shops [30x30cm]
